Anna Jaques Hospital is an independent, not-for-profit community hospital serving 17 cities and towns in the Merrimack Valley, North Shore and Southern New Hampshire.
The Friends of the Newbury Council on Aging is a private non-profit volunteer organization whose mission is to raise money to support programs and services offered by the Newbury Council on Aging.
ConvenientMD Urgent Care offers a high-quality, convenient, affordable option for treating injuries and illnesses. A full medical team is always on site.
A special place where virtually every healthcare need and desire is met, including: quality; comprehensive medical, nursing & rehabilitation care; beautiful facilities and a friendly staff of experts.
Our practice is uniquely equipped to provide a comprehensive approach to diagnosis and treatment of all ear, nose and throat conditions for the entire family.
Recognizing the challenges of aging, we encourage a fulfilling lifestyle and promoting independence. We are home to 15,000 older Americans in 27 states.