Genealogy Speaker: Bring Your Ancestors to Life - Connect via Social History

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Name: Genealogy Speaker: Bring Your Ancestors to Life - Connect via Social History
Date: May 2, 2019
Time: 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM EDT
Website: Click Here
Event Description:

Transform your ancestors from names and dates on a piece to paper to people who led full and interesting lives through social history. Learn how to incorporate local history and other sources of social history, such as occupation, military service and war, daily life, and recreation into your genealogical research to gain a greater understanding of your ancestors.

Presenter, Lori Lyn Price, MAS, MLA, has worked on her personal genealogy for twenty years. She recently completed a master’s degree in history with an emphasis on history of medicine. She loves sharing her passion for social history, genealogy, and bringing ancestors to life by placing them in historical and social context. 

Newbury Town Library
0 Lunt Streat
Byfield, MA 01922
Date/Time Information:

from 6:00—7:00 PM

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